The Team



    Fable is our writer and programmer.

    His daily routine is:

    • 1 hour of exercise
    • 4 hours of work
    • 8 hours of sleep
    • ..and the rest of his time is spent constantly refreshing Coingecko



    Ryal is a born artist whose soul is in creating art; especially nurturing a passion for hand drawn art in children.

    Her other passions are mountains and fish. She loves nothing more than to eat fish in all four meals of the day and dreams of one day living in a cottage that sits between giant mountains and a fish filled sea.



    Penny is an artist who loves to experiment with all sorts of different graphic tools.

    Her favourite pastimes are sleeping and eating eggs, and she only wishes it were possible to do both at the same time. Unfortunately, they come into conflict on a daily basis as the smell of cooking eggs wakes her in the morning and lures her from the warm embrace of her duvet.

    She dreams of one day owning an eggetarian restaurant.